The Design of Everyday Food

Design of Everyday Food is a book which explore the parallel nature of product design and cooking as processes. Analogy between the aspects such as user vs diner, material vs ingredients ,and manufacturing process vs recipe are visualized as a technical drawing documentation.

The idea is then explain through three distinct recipes that responds to different age range dietery requirements, while all using the same ingredients.


Action Apparatus

Action Apparatus is a comprehensive market research of food preparation tools organized by the outcome of the ingredients. With overlayed drawings of how each tool is used, we can see how each design achieves the same goal through various means. Design factors like material, ingredient nature, and craftmanship level, all contribute to unique designs as archived in the book.


Visual Diary

Visual Diary vol.1 and 2 are collections of photographed found objects and sceneries that inspired product design ideas. The intuitive ideas are captured through illustrative scribbles and casual captions.

The observation highlights the moment of ingenuity encountered in everyday life.